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A cozy 3-D platformer

Like Killer Automata, Heirloom was developed in 7 weeks in the spring of 2023 by myself and four others during a university class. Once again, we each took on a number of roles. Mine included gameplay design, programming, level design, sound design, audio implementation, and some light 3-D modeling work. I created all of the non-music sounds in the game, mostly from recording and processing my own foley. This was a more physical approach than with Killer Automata, and was a good introduction to foley as a practice. We also handled movement in a modular way which took longer to set up, but would make it more adaptable for future movement items and modes (shown in the bottom pictured image). I designed the glider and the last map area (the mountain) with the idea that the player would enjoy getting to see everywhere that they had traversed from a new perspective at the end.


See more about the game and play it at the link, and check out the page that a co-contributor (Ben Seckeler) put together about it through the link to his site.

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